How to Get Better at Destiny 2 (video game)


Two Tips and Tricks For Destiny 2(The Video Game)

Some of you might know how to play this game already. You might want to skip over this portion of the content if that is the case. These tips and tricks are for the beginners to the PC world of Destiny 2. 

Tips and Tricks

1) You cannot do this game alone. You could, but you might have some issues. You need to form a clan and start playing. Most players find it more fun to have some buddies to play with. Three buddies are ideal.

Now, if you are feeling a little more competitive, than add more.

Competitive players like to have four or more joining them.

2) Players need to understand the world of leveling up. That train of thought is lost on me because I do not get into video games, but you do. That is why I am helping you. The current level is 20. Now, you can go as high as 25 if you have the Curse of Osiris.

It is your power level that makes it in the game. That is why if you play more than you will go higher.

Your power level can go as high as 355 if you have the Curse of Osiris.

The best way to level up is to invest in the activities. Things like Public Events and Strikes will help.

Some players get concerned that one gun is stuck at a lower level than the others. You can infuse the power of one gun with another. It is the best way to increase the heat you pack.

See destiny2 boost for more information.

Honing Your Skills in Destiny 2 While Also Having a Great Time


Honing Your Skills in Destiny 2 While Also Having a Great Time


There's no denying that gaming is a fun hobby. After all, the definition of a game almost goes hand in hand with fun. If an activity isn't fun than it's debatable whether one could even consider it a real game. But part of the fun comes from the fact that one can always see a way to progress within said game.


Even in fairly simple games like football or baseball there's countless ways to hone one's experience. And in this we can actually see a clue as to how we can augment our performance in games like Destiny 2. In traditional sports one will put a heavy emphasis on personal performance. The main reason is the simplicity of the game's ruleset. There really isn't a way to trick the system. People tend to think about video games differently though. In fact, there's an entire class of gamer called a speedrunner who only looks for tricks within the system.


But this isn't nearly as applicable to games like Destiny 2. Here, one is much better off treating it like a traditional sport. There are areas in which one can incorporate boosters. These are essentially a combination of coach and equipment upgrade. But this is only one area of progress among many others.


Just like with sports, one is usually best advised to put a heavy emphasis on teams. The majority of the game is playable with two other people. And this can be an ideal way of honing performance. Basically, the most important point is to find other players with the same general goals. This is the biggest trick for getting ahead in the game. One simply doesn't try to go it alone. The help of other people really is the best way to get ahead. For more details read on destiny2 boost.